PhytoNightPlus+ 60 Capsules. Rich in soothing, calming plant botanicals. Expiry 01/2027

  • PhytoNightPlus+ 60 Capsules.  Rich in soothing, calming plant botanicals. Expiry 01/2027

PhytoNightPlus+ 60 Capsules. Rich in soothing, calming plant botanicals. Expiry 01/2027

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PhytoNight-plus+ is a novel, entirely natural, nutritional supplement which harnesses the calming, mood enhancing and health properties of purified, concentrated whole plant foods.

Developed by a scientific team from a Cambridge University Hospitals, this capsule does not just focus on sedation, like other herbal supplements, it prepares the body for a restful night by targeting 6 fundamental biological mechanisms which commonly interfere with sleep:

  • Reducing stress levels – relaxing you before bedtime
  • Elevating mood – reducing negative thoughts at night
  • Boosting circadian rhythm – so your body knows when to sleep
  • Supporting  joint health – improving comfort at night
  • Improving gut inflammation – reducing  uncomfortable bloating
  • Reduces day time fatigue – avoids need for day time naps

Targeting these multiple barriers to sleep, Phyto-nightplus+ aims to make you more comfortable, in a better frame of mind, more relaxed and biologically prepared for a restful night. It is not a quick fix,  the natural phytochemicals in the ingredients aim to improve sleep for the long term as they are non-addictive, have no hang over effect or dependence, so safe to take continually4,5.

This blend evolved out of results of the UK’s largest nutritional intervention long covid study. It was designed by a scientific team led by Professor Thomas, a teacher at Cambridge University and professor of sports and nutritional science at Bedfordshire University.

The study, published in a prestigious peer reviewed international journal,  showed a major reduction in day time fatigue – help by better sleep patterns at night. Since then it’s been used across the World with hundreds of reports of success.

The ingredients:

PhytoNight-plus contains 5 whole natural foods which work in synergy to promote their healthy effects. They have been purified and concentrated with scientific accuracy:

  • Purified enhanced Chamomile flower (high strength)
  • Whole ground Pomegranate
  • Citrus Sinensis orange plant rich in citrus bioflavonoids
  • Curcuma Longa extract and whole root
  • Resveratrol from Polygonum Cuspidatum rhizome

Please note:

The ingredients of phytonight+ are very similar to Phyto-v (a supplement sold by The Keep-healthy group). So if you are already taking Phyto-V and having trouble sleeping, it would be sensible to take that in the evening and night. When that supply runs out you are welcome to take either – Both supplements support probiotics such as yourgutplus+.

Recommended use:

Most people, in the study, did not notice sedating properties in the day so can be taken to help with daytime stress. To help with sleep, however, it’s best to take 1-2 tablets before bedtime. The effects are usually not instant so you may not appreciate the full effect for several days. In addition to this nutritional intervention, it would be sensible, it would be wise to consider other sleep hygiene factors such as darkening the bedroom avoiding stimulants.

Quality Assurance:

In order to meet the stringent standards from the UK national ethics committee for these clinical trial, PhytoNight-plus has to be made to a level of quality assurance unprecedented in the supplement  world – so you can be reassured it’s safe and consistent. Novel features:

  • Only purified and concentrated plant ingredients
  • No added colours, preservatives or flavours
  • No GMO ingredients
  • Vegan capsule
  • Each ingredient analysed for candidate phytochemicals – to ensure consistency
  • Every batch tested for metal and pesticide contaminant – ensuring long term safety


Scientific background:

Reducing stress and improving mood: Multiple studies have shown that the phytochemicals in these foods, particularly the resveratrol and chamomile work in synergy to mitigate stress and improve mood, helping to reduce negative thoughts. Boosting intake to levels well above that achieved from the foods or drinks helps to induce a state of calm and relaxed frame of mind rather than sedation, helping prepare for natural sleep 4,6,7,8.

Reducing physical discomfort: Symptoms at night such as joint pains, hot flushes, urinary frequency, abdominal bloating and wind caused by poor gut health all can cause restlessness and disrupt quality sleep.

Improving gut health: Fortunately, the anti-inflammatory, gut health enhancing properties of pomegranate, and turmeric  are well reported clinical trials to help these symptoms particularly with longer term intake 9,10,11.

Boosting circadian rhythm: The biological processes which relax the mind and dampen down the body’s metabolism in preparation for sleep (circadian rhythm) can be disorganised by poor gut health, international flights, staying up late at the weekend and lack of sleep itself – creating a vicious circle which gets worse over time. Disruption of the circadian rhythm not just effects sleep, it’s linked to many health issues ranging from dementia to heart disease 12. Fortunately, robust conducted trials have shown that the phytochemical in these foods, particularly the citrus bioflavonoids, resveratrol and quercetin in pomegranate help the bodies circadian rhythm get back on track 13-16.





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